It has been proven that these electrical gadgets does emit electromagnetic waves in various intensities and wavelengths. These electromagnetic waves are colourless, odorless, invisible and intangible but have strong penetrative powers. They are difficult to guard against and have become a new form of pollution that is silently affecting our physical health and causing various ailments.
According to various documentary records, electromagnetic radiations could harm the human body in the following ways:
- Triggers genetic mutations and increases incidence rate of cancer;
- Disrupts the normal electrophysiological activities in the human body, leading to ailments such as headache, insomnia, palpitation, etc.;
- Damages the eyes to cause various eye diseases and may lead to blindness in serous cases;
- Alters the signals transmitted by the thyroid gland to the cell membrane, thus inhibiting growth of bones in children;
- Causes disturbance to the flow of calcium anions through the cell membrane, thus affecting the normal growth in children and teenagers;
- Can have accumulative effects, with hazards from multiple radiations continuously adding up and eventually resulting in permanent damages.